Alicudi Island

Alicudi has its foundation on a large volcanic cone which rises to a height of 675m above sea level at Monte dell’Arpa. The ancients called it Ericusa on account of its large areas of dense heather (erica).
Because of its extreme isolation, it was, of old, a place of rest for ships from Asia Minor that were destined for France.
Sull’isola non ci sono strade e neppure sentieri, quindi non ci sono auto, motorini, biciclette ma soltanto interminabili e impervie scalinate da percorrere a piedi o con l’aiuto degli asinelli che sopportano il peso di merci e bagagli dal porto alle case sparse sul pendio.
For the same reason it was subjected, for centuries, to continual piracy by the Turks and, later, by the Saracens. A location called the Timpone delle Femmine bears witness to the refuge, sought there, during such raids. The eastern side of the island is characterized by successive terraces dotted with houses, from the 16th, century church of S. Bartolo down to the port area.
The steep western side of the island is uninhabited. Fishing is excellent and it is favoured by northern europeans, who live mostly towards the top of the island marked by majestic scenic views and serene privacy; and descend for private bathing or conviviality at the hotel.

Alicudi, Aeolian Islands